FEEDBACK FORM We want to hear from you regarding Happy Hearts Program! Please take a minute to fill out survey below. We value your opinion.Is this the first time that your child attended Happy Hearts Program?* Yes, as new student No, as returning student Did your child enjoy this program?* Yes, very much Yes, somewhat No Did you feel that they benefited from the program?* Yes, very much Yes, somewhat No Would you recommend this program to another friend?* Yes surely Maybe No Would you like to enroll yourself or your child in other programs at Al Huda Institute (AHWS, Winter Camp, Taleem ul Quran etc.)?* Yes Maybe No Do you keep yourself updated about upcoming programs at Al Huda Institute through our website and social media postings?* Yes, always Sometimes No Would you like to share any thoughts, advice, or opinions with us? Join Our Newsletter Sign up now to receive news on latest events & Emaan building articles. Thank you for subscribing. Something went wrong. I agree to have my personal information transfered to MailChimp ( more information ) Al Huda will never give away, trade or sell your email address. You can unsubscribe at any time.