Tadabbur Al Qur’an Juz 25
In Urdu
Tadabbur Al-Qur’an Juz 25 Urdu – TDQU6
$30 /Monthly
- Certificate, Part time Course
- Audience: For Women of all ages (In Urdu)
- Duration: April 10th 2025 – October 2025 ان شاء الله
- Days: Thursdays Only
- Timings: 9:30 am – 1:30 pm
- Venue: Online Only
- Fee: $30/ Monthly
- Contact Email: urdutadabbur@alhudainstitute.ca
☆ Translation, Tafsir, Hifdh & Reflection ☆
Let’s get a deeper understanding of the enlightening Surahs in Juz 25
- Word to Word study of Juz 25
- In-depth study of the meaning (Tadabbur) of Juz 25
- Hifdh of selected Surah
☆ Translation, Tafsir, Hifdh & Reflection ☆
Let’s get a deeper understanding of the enlightening Surahs in Juz 25
- To deeply understand & reinforce the basics of Tauheed, Risaalat & Belief in Akhirah & basic manners of social & family life.
- To explore the benefits of being grateful, patient and surrendering to the Will of Allah SWT and follow the teachings of the Prophet SAW
Additional information
Study Mode |
Refund Policy for Courses
Tuition fees charged for our programs primarily serve as sadaqah, charitable contributions. Additionally, these fees are used to cover critical administrative costs, including student enrollment, record-keeping, student support services, and the continuous development and maintenance of our Courses.
The following guidelines are applicable for any Fee Refunds for All Regular and Short Courses.
To request a refund, students must send a written request to the Course Coordinator.
It may take 2-3 weeks to process the refunds (as per approval from the Academic office).
The Academic Office reserves the right to decline a Fee Refund request.
Refunds for All Courses:
Students are eligible to receive a 50% refund if the written request is received within one week from the commencement of the course.
Fee for all long-running courses is reviewed periodically. Any changes will be communicated with advance notice
Please note that fees charged without prior withdrawal notice are non-refundable
If a payment fails (credit card gets declined), the linked account will be considered inactive. Consequently, all course-related access granted to the student will be revoked, including access to ‘My Al Huda Portal,’ class resources, and materials. Upon successful resubscription with a valid credit card, the portal access will be reactivated.