Water Wells for East Africa: Providing Safe & Clean Water

Alhamdulillah, our previous campaign, “East Africa Famine 2017”, helped provide emergency relief to the famine-struck countries of East Africa.

How else can we make a difference?

“Water Wells for East Africa” is Al Huda Institute’s effort towards providing a sustainable long-term solution for people affected by the famine in East Africa. This project, a collaboration with Islamic Relief Canada, aims to raise $12,000 for the rehabilitation of two boreholes in Kenya Insha’Allah. Our vision is to be able to provide access to clean water to people of Garissa county and Mandera county who currently have to travel for hours daily in order to get water.

The Wells


Borehole name: Hagarbul, located in Dadaab sub-county along Dadaab Garissa road.

Population Served

Population served: 1800 persons (300 households- approximately 6 persons per household) as direct beneficiaries. This borehole also serves other surrounding pastoral communities that are approximately within a 10km-15km radius of the village.

Assorted livestock (camels and cattle) Served


Borehole name: Olla, located in Mandera north sub-county.

Population Served

Population served: 2700 persons (450 households – approximately 6 persons per household) as direct beneficiaries. The borehole also serves other surrounding pastoral communities that are approximately within a 10km-15km radius of the village.

Assorted livestock (camels and cattle) Served


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