Al Huda eCampus is pleased to present

✨Taleem al Qur’an English- Flex Course✨

“Has the time not yet come for believers’ hearts to be humbled at the remembrance of Allah, and what has been revealed of the truth?!”(Al-Hadid:16)

Transform your life– Study the Qur’an at your own pace & availability via easy global online access!

Course Content:
☆ Learn to Recite the Qur’an with rules of Tajweed
★Comprehend each Ayah directly in Arabic through word to word translation
☆ Deeply Understand the Tafsir (explanation) of the entire Qur’an

Countless blessings:
★ Perform Ibadah in its true spirit through authentic knowledge
☆ Strengthen your bond & love for Allah, and beautify your relationship with your family & with other people in your life
★ Acquire essential life skills through timeless lessons in each Surah
☆ Get nurtured through Tarbiyah & learn effective time, anger & stress management
★ Effectively apply the teachings of the Qur’an to please Allah swt
☆ Find the motivation to serve humanity

“This is a blessed Book We have revealed. So follow it and be mindful ˹of Allah˺, so you may be shown mercy.” (6:155)

Why Delay Now?!
Start Your Journey & Connect with the Book of Allah- Register Today‼️


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