Al Huda Outreach
Fueled by the lofty vision of “Qur’an for all – in every hand, in every heart”, Al Huda Institute is excited to provide two of our offerings for those who cannot attend classes at our Mississauga campus. – eCampus and Distance Learning.
Sisters who cannot attend the Qur’an and hadith courses on Campus due to distance, ride or similar other issues can now attend a similar course:
- When being offered in a formal (or semi-formal) setup in their area as a Distance Learning course, through Live (or Recorded classes), conducted by an Al Huda trained staff or graduate.
- Via eCampus, from the comfort of their own homes, through self-paced but well-engaged learning experience.
What is eCampus?
eCampus stands for electronic campus, where all courses are taught through eLearning methodology.
As life gets more technology-centered, Al-Huda eCampus brings to you a revitalized system to quench your thirst for learning, on your terms, in your own time of convenience, whatever it may be!
- Learn from your favourite Al Huda teachers,
- Sign up for short or long term courses,
- Get Live lesson listener support
- Escalate your sense of well-being
- Gain spiritual and emotional strength via courses that help you build a positive mindset and a productive outlook on life, career, family and meaningful community connections.
Thousands of students choose this form of distance learning because it enables them to grow in their abilities and Deen knowledge while continuing to work full time, raising a family or simply staying in their homes in any global location.
Fahm al Qur'an Courses
Tajweed eLearning Courses

Taleem Al-Qur’an
Fiqh, Aqeedah and Hadith Courses
What is Distance Learning by Al Huda?
- Driven by Al Huda vision – “Qur’an For All. In Every Hand; In Every Heart“, Distance Learning is a bridging avenue furnished for those who want to engage in the Islamic education offered by Al Huda Institute Canada, while living at a distance.
If you have a desire to learn, and would like to connect with us, we want to reach you! It’s part of our mission to make Qur’an learning accessible and engaging! We will make every effort for the light of Deen education and the joys of learning to reach You!
Here’s how:
- Through Distance Learning courses, you can easily connect to :
- A formal class setup in a public accessible venue.
- A group class conducted in a private setting.
In each of these, Al Huda will extend to you-as a registered student- learning resources, coaching, guidance, help and support, along with learning progress trackers and most importantly, motivation
In the absence of a formal or group class in your area, you can always form a group in your area and reach out to us. We will facilitate the establishment of a DL location and course in your city!


LOCAL GTA (In Canada)
DIstance Learning Classes
Click on any location (name below) to select the courses offered in that location.
In Canada |
In USA |
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Growing our Distance Learning network to serve you!
Depending on a consistent availability of staff who meet our criteria to start the classes, and a workable venue, we will continue to offer new or recurrent courses.
Are we in your area yet?
If we are not in your city yet, check out our eCampus Page HERE to explore a variety of courses you can enrol yourself in!
Outreach Pre-requisites
- Anyone with a desire to learn Qur’an or hadith, irrespective of age, gender, profession, education background, ethnicity, can apply.
- Reading and writing skills in the language a course is offered in [currently English, and Urdu].
- Basic familiarity of tech tools, audio device usage, browsing skills, and written communication skills via email.