Fostering a positive Muslim identity in the light of Qur’an and Sunnah!

Al Huda Weekend Scholastics (AHWS) started in 2005 to help educate children as their mothers undertook their own religious studies on the weekend. Over the years, with increasing demand for children centric Islamic education on the weekends, AHWS formalized into a full-time weekend school with classes for girls and boys ages 5-12+.

Here are the various program we offer!

The Best Ummah

AHWS Onsite Only Program

Together, let’s raise our next generation with the traits Qur’an highlights for the Best Ummah


  • Onsite Only 
  • Saturday’s Only
  • Starting September 14th 2024
  • 10:00am-1:30pm
  • Age 5-12+
  • Fees $70 Monthly

The Torchbearers

AHWS Onsite Only Program

Fostering a positive Muslim identity in the light of Qur’an and Sunnah!



  • Onsite Only
  • Sundays
  • Starting September 15th 2025
  • 10am-1:30pm
  • Age 5-12+
  • Fees $70 Monthly

The Light Riders

AHWS Online Only Programs

Providing Knowledge & Spirituality towards Good Character Development!


  • Online Only
  • Saturday & Sunday
  • Starting September 14th 2024
  • 10:00am-1:30pm
  • Age 5-12+
  • Fees Online 1 Day $60 Monthly
  • Fees 2 days $85 Monthly

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