A facility for Staff and Student Mothers while On-site.

Geared with our vision of Qur’an for All, our Juniors Program [JP] aims to introduce and instill the love of Allah, His Book and His Noble Messengers sallAllhau alayhi wasallam in little hearts!

Our JP team creates a warm, safe, and comfortable environment where your children will feel loved and cared for, soon it will be their home away from home!

Teachers in the program are qualified with ECE & Montessori accreditations, along with graduates of the Qur’an

Who is the Program for? For Babies 4 months old to Pre-Schooler 4 years old, of Staff, Students and Listeners who are present Onsite.

Looking forward to seeing you.


Integrated Islamic Curriculum delivered through the Montessori Teaching Methodology

Enrollment options include: Full Time, Part Time and Drop-In Fee per day.

Admission will be accepted only after an initial interview and screening of the child.



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Program Goals
  • To nurture our little ones with the love of Allah subhanahu wa ta’ala through the early developmental years using all their learning faculties.
  • To enable them explore the world from an Islamic view-point in a stimulating setting through a structured curriculum.
  • To facilitate learning on the principles of self-independence through discipline with Montessori teachings, to lay the foundation of their social and emotional development.
Arabic Circle
  • The theme for our Arabic circles will change every month
  • We start our circle with Duas of knowledge
  • We recite small surahs eg, Surah Al Ikhlaas, Surah Al Falaq, Surah An Nas
Activities of Arabic Circle
  • Arabic numbers
  • Names of Islamic calendar
  • Arabic alphabets
  • Revision of Duas and surahs
Monthly Themes
  • Allah the Creator and His Creation
  • Beautiful names of Allah (circle time activities with flashcards)
  • Divine books of Allah & Names of Angels
  • Story of the Prophet Adam (with Duas)
  • Story of the Prophet Nuh (with Duas)
  • Story of the Prophet Ibrahim (with Duas)
  • Story of the Prophet Musa (with Duas)
  • Story and ettiqutes of the Prophet Muhammad
Milestones: INFANT ROOM

Our Infant room is a special place where babies are nurtured, loved and provided with various opportunities to explore themselves to learn.

  • listening rhymes – Allahu Rabbuna, BaituAllah, listening surahs
Milestones: TODDLER ROOM

We provide activities and materials related with the following:

  • Letters, Numbers, and Colors
  • Story time – books communicate through language
  • Sensory time: develop fine motor skills
  • Art time: Goal to develop hand eye coordination
  • Gross motor time: to develop their muscles through movement

We provide activities and materials related with the following:

  • Short and Long phonetic words with pictures and objects
  • Numbers recognition (1-19) with quantities and symbols
  • Daily life & Sensorial activities through Montessori materials
  • Recognition of letters and sound
JP FEE Structure - DROP-INs Weekday Registrations
DROP-IN Duration AMOUNT (per Child)
FULL DAY (3 hours +) $30/Child
HALF DAY (under 3 hours) $15/Child


JP FEE Structure - REGULAR Weekday Registrations


Number of Days 5 days/week  4 days/week 3 days/week 2 days/week
For STUDENTS / STAFF MOMS $350/m $300/m $250/m $220/m
For STUDENTS / STAFF GUARDIANS $500/m $465/m $400/m $315/m


Juniors Program DROP-IN Form

Mother/Guardian’s Information


Select your status to attend the course(s)(Required)


Mother/Guardian Information(Required)


Child(ren) Information


List of Child(ren) details(Required)


-- Use the + / - icon at end of row, to add/remove the row

-- Maximum capacity for registration is 3 children per parent

Full Name
If any allergies, mention here


Payment Details

Select duration needed for your child(Required)



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