Summer Program For Kids

In English

Happy Hearts

$ 225 One Time Fee

Strengthen the roots of your kids’ Faith this Summer!


While they have fun, make lasting memories & friendships! 

Short Summer Program

  • For Boys & Girls 5-12 yrs and Girls 13+ yrs
  • Eligibility: Basic Learning skills to read and write.
  • Duration: 5 weeks |July 23rd-August 22nd ان شاء الله
  • Days: Tuesday to Thursday
  • Timings: 9:30 am – 2:00 pm EST.
  • Venue:  Al Huda Institute
  • Fee:   $225 
  • For further queries contact:

Registrations Closed, Kindly email at to be on waitlist

Out of stock

Do you worry for your Child's Imaan in testing time of Fitnah!

How well have you educated and prepared them to stay firm on their deen!

Al Huda Presents

***Happy Hearts***

Nurturing Aqeedah- Our Belief system at child's level of understanding

Preparing our kids to protect and elevate their Imaan and improve their understanding towards Allah

Teaching them to skillfully navigate doubts and questions & strengthen their certainty in Islam

Program Includes

  • Creative Activities & Projects

  • Enjoyable Story Time

  • Esteemed Guest Speaker

  • Themed field trips to enhance learning

Refund Policy

Refund Policy 

  • For Enrollment cancellation/ withdrawal request received in writing before the beginning of the program- A processing Fee of $15 will be deducted and the entire remaining amount will be refunded.
  • For Enrollment Cancellation/ withdrawal request received in writing after the beginning of the program – within the first week- A processing fee $25 per registration will be deducted and the entire remaining amount will be refunded.
  • No refunds after week 1

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