From the Blessings of Being a Student of the Qur’an

Alhamdulillah the Taleem al Qur’an journey is nothing less than a life-altering blessing that provides us with the lens of Truth to view life as it was made by Allah. Not only do we develop and strengthen our relationship with our Creator, but we also learn the life lessons to make our journey in this world easier, more rewarding and worthwhile, and in sha Allah our journey towards Akhirah more blessed as well.

Here are some of the precious lessons that I experienced and hold in my heart from my memorable days in the Taleem al Qur’an course. 


  • Stay steadfast in prayer- if you get that right, everything else will work out too.

  • Tests come but also pass-Turn to Allah first & foremost, & then again in gratitude.

  • Tawakkul/reliance upon Allah can even make the fire cool and serene!(like it did for Ibraheem (AS))

  • Win each battle with the strength of Eemaan!

  • Beware your greatest enemy (satan- his only goal is to derail you & me from the right path)

  • Keep up your armor of azkar day & night from every harm! (prescribed remembrance & supplications) 

  • Company matters! Choose friends who have good eemaan and a great character.

  • Never underestimate the power of dua- it can change destiny & be your strongest shield!

  • Supercharge your dua with the right etiquettes & Allah’s greatest names, and seize the moments  of acceptance!

  • Islam IS the middle path- easy and simple to follow. It makes sense & touches the heart. 

  • Our Deen (religion) is a ‘complete way of life’; it is completely PERFECT & perfectly COMPLETE! 

  • Fear Allah in every matter & relationship- Taqwa (God-consciousness) is the key.

  • Remember that Allah has made all the pleasures of this life for us to enjoy- and they will be most delightful when enjoyed the right way:)

  • Good Deeds are only those that have Ikhlas(sincerity) and follow the Sunnah.

  • No one loves and understands you more than Allah- and He is always there and very near.

  • The more you love Him, the more you will remember Him.

  • Make Jannah your priority, your goal, your forever destination!

With Gratitude to Allah and the Institute,

Sameen Fahmi

(If you wish to become a student of the Qur’an also, Alhmadulillah there are many options at Al Huda Institute to suit your lifestyle. Go ahead, don’t keep the blessings and rewards from reaching you anymore- check out Qur’an study programs at: )

Istiqamah on the path of Allah – Poetry

By Abeeha Imtiaz
(Masha Allah this poem is a Top winner in the Poetry category of the Competition at the 2022 MAC Convention)


“Indeed, Allāh is my Lord and your Lord, so worship Him. That is the straight path.”
(Qur’an, Ale Imran: 51)

Intro- explanation about my piece of poetry:
When I think about thriving in the path of Allah swt, I think about connecting with the Qur’an. When it
comes to thriving on a path of someone – anyone – how can we tread that path if we don’t know what
the path is like? Is it rocky, smooth, straight, muddy, what is it? Similarly to Allah’s path, we need to
know what His path is. What does it mean to strive in the way of Allah? What actually counts in
striving? What is the path like? The Qur’an can only teach us this. Maintaining istiqamah on the path
towards Allah is connecting with the Book of Allah, the guidance Allah facilitated for us, the Qur’an.
Thriving in the path of Allah is doing all that Allah loves and approves of – which is all explained within
the Qur’an. Muslims need to connect back to the message of the Qur’an.


A Divine Appeal

The Qur’an, the greatest miracle from Allah, a mercy for all,
A blessing, a wondrous treasure, a call
The Qur’an, which is the kalaam of Allah, sent to the Prophet Muhammadصلى الله عليه وسلم
A speech that is unmatched, a book that is the core of Islam
A cure for what is within the chest,
Full of barakah, blessed
It is not addressing some scholar, just the Makkans, Arabs, or just men
Its a book for us all, a book that swears by the pen
And yet we are still heedless of it
Heedless of what it means and how we can benefit from it
When we recite it, the message does not reach beyond our tongue, or seep into our heart,
We are left unchanged, nothing affecting us, our egos not falling apart
We should be affected by what we hear, it should shake you, rattle your ego, penetrate your
beliefs, change your life for the better
This is a message talking to you, you are the subject of the verses, sent to you, its a letter
These aren’t just a bunch of random stories in Arabic, with no order and about some people
long ago

They are for me and you to look at, understand, take lessons and yes – in the true sense,
continue to learn and grow
We have forgotten the main purpose of the Qur’an and made it a sacred family inheritance,
focusing on its arabic art
To be treasured in exotic and expensive covers, yet to be untreasured in the best of all covers
which is the heart
To be recited and listened to in the best and melodious voices,
But it’s message being unpresent in our decision making and choices
To be placed high above all other objects in the room,
Yet to occupy the lowest station in their daily lives, as you can assume
To be read when a death has occured,
Yet to be ignored by the living who don’t get time to recite even a word
To be written in the faciest of scripts and in the most expensive of papers, these are our
manytimes our only ambitions,
all the while, we are heedless of its commandments and prohibitions
When the Qur’an seeps into the hearts of people, it produces an effect
Bringing out khair from people from unexpected places, in their personal, and public lives – it’s
a reformation – that’s correct!
Guidance from the Qur’an cant be bought, downloaded, speed shared on WhatsApp, attached
as a file on an email, or inserted into your brain with a micro chip or a USB
Its learnt with much hard work, blood, sweat, n tears.. But the good part? It will make you free
the Qur’an is a mirror teaching us what we need to see,
a reflection of who we are and who we need to be
We need to all connect back to the Qur’an and learn it’s meaning
Learn what the verses are about, what Allah wants from us, going through a heart cleaning

12 ways to strengthen your connection with the Quran

By Taleem al Quran (TQE11) student

Umarrah Javed Al Hadi

We pray salah in order to stand before Allāh and express our devotion. Likewise, we study
the Qurān in order to learn what the commands of Allāh are. This Book is not like any other
and therefore our connection to it cannot be like our connection to anything else.
Abdullah ibn ‘Amr ibn Al-’Aas (may Allāh be pleased with him) narrated that our Beloved
Prophet ﷺ said:

“The one who was devoted to the Qurān will be told [on the Day of Resurrection:] ‘Recite [the Qurān] and ascend [in ranks] as you used to recite when you were in the world. Your rank will be at the last verse you recite.”’ (Abu Dawud and At-Tirmidhi)

From another hadith we learn that, Abu Hurairah (may Allāh be pleased with him) narrated that our Beloved Prophet ﷺ said:

“Whenever a group of people assemble in one of the Houses of Allāh (i.e. Mosques), reciting the Book of Allāh and studying it, tranquility descends upon them, Mercy covers them, angels surround them and Allāh makes a mention of them among those who are with Him.” (Muslim)

With such priceless guidance, one can only want to dive deeper into the Qurān.

With that in mind, here are 12 ways to improve your relationship with the Qurān:


1) Make du’ā for Allāh to open your heart and increase you in beneficial knowledge:

Purify your intention for learning the Qurān, and ensure that it is for the sake of Allāh- to attain taqwa (God consciousness), to learn how Allāh wants us to spend our time in this life and to gain a comprehensive understanding of what has passed and what is yet to come. Once you are in a purified state, make sincere du’ā. Ask Allāh to open your heart to His Words and to make Qurān the basis of your life. A du’ā made by Our Beloved Prophet ﷺ can also be used here:

رَّبِّ زِدْنِي عِلْمًا

[O my Lord, increase me in knowledge]


2) Commit an amount to study every day:

Consistency is important to build a strong relationship and understanding of the Holy Qurān; for this, try to put at least one hour aside for this on a daily basis. Take into consideration your routine and attach your Qurān study to a particular time of day i.e. some people choose to study at Fajr for its spiritual benefit while others may choose to study half their daily amount at Fajr, saving the rest for a studying after a later salah i.e. between Asr and Maghrib.


3) Review what you have studied:

While completing your daily studies, ensure to take notes and write reflections in order to solidify your knowledge. You can do this digitally or with a notebook and pen but another alternative is to gather your family & friends and have a discussion about the verses you have read. The vocalization of your knowledge as well as being able to gain knowledge from others will surely help strengthen your understanding of the Qurān.


4) Learn the Arabic word for word:

Any translation is an interpretation. With that in mind, work towards removing barriers between yourself and comprehension of the Qurān in the way Allāh sent it for us. Having a firm grasp of the Quranic Arabic will enable you to read a verse and understand it without any further instruments – such a learning is truly enriching and absolutely attainable. Be patient and begin with one chapter at a time to memorize each word’s translation, test yourself and utilize tools and methods that can empower your learning.


5) Apply what you have learnt in your daily life:

Once you gain the definition and understanding of a verse or chapter. Apply its commands in your life – by the practical action of doing, you will further strengthen the connection between the word of Allāh and yourself. You can also memorize a chapter or parts of a chapter and recite them in your salah. For example, the greatest verse in the Qurān, Ayat-al-Kursi, is a good place to start memorizing.


6) Enrol in a class or course:

You will find many institutes, schools and organisations offering Qurān courses that can provide a good foundation, accountability and structure for your learning journey. Further to this, you can choose an in-person or online course but keep in mind that the knowledge sharing that happens in-person is usually more interactive, engaging, hands-on and overall a fuller experience. Check out what you have available around you and perhaps try a short course before you commit to a longer course.

7) Recite with Tajweed:

As the word ‘Qurān’ itself means ‘Recitation’, we cannot fully delve into The Book without reciting it. Within this recitation, there are many areas to nourish but the overall improvement and constant concentration on tajweed is fundamental to successful recitation. Tajweed is a collection of rules and instructions for the correct pronunciation of the letters with all their qualities i.e. giving each letter its due right (haqq). The best way to improve tajweed is with a teacher – there are many learned teachers that look forward to sharing this knowledge with their students. You may have to do some research, but in sha Allāh you can find someone locally around you (or online) that can help you to improve your recitation.


8) Listen to recitation:

While you are reading, reciting and pondering over the verses of the Qurān, listening to its recitation is another component to improve your overall relationship with this magnificent Book. Listening to its recitation engages different parts of your mind that are then able to retain the sound, vibrations and inflections which in turn can help you with your own recitation, word for word learning and memorization.


9) Make connections within The Book:

Once you start studying the Qurān with consistency, you will start to notice repetition of words and themes. As part of your note-taking and studying, try and retain the placements of concepts and relate them to other parts of the Qurān. Being able to create these connections within the ocean of the Qurān will provide you with a comprehensive understanding of the prominent concepts that Allāh wants believers to understand.


10) Begin and end your day with the Qurān:

Making Qurān one of the first things you do as part of your morning worship and making it the final part of your night worship binds your day in a spiritual wrap. As beautifully declared in the Qurān:

‘…the recitation of dawn is ever-witnessed.’ (17:78)

From the above ayah we learn the majesty of reciting the Qurān at Fajr time. The fact is that while the world may be sleeping, your recitation is being witnessed by angels who are scribing your efforts, and Allāh- who is noting your devotion. For the evening and night, we have also been informed by Our Beloved Prophe tﷺ that one should recite the three Quls, Ayat-al-Kursi and the last two verses of Surah Al-Baqarah before going to sleep.


11) Understand the context and times of when verses were revealed:

The Qurān descended over the course of 23 years. The verses correspond with changing times and circumstances, therefore, making the Qurān a timeless guidance. With that being said, developing an understanding of the points in reality in which the verses were revealed is a knowledge that provides one with a fuller, greater and deeper connection to The Book and to Allāh.


12) Read the Seerah (Life of the Beloved Prophet ﷺ):

The Messenger of Allāh, our Beloved Prophet ﷺ is the example by which we should strive to live our lives. Among the countless blessings we received through him, the greatest is that it was his heart that was chosen for the Qurān to descend upon; the purest heart with the character that is often described as the living Qurān. Seeking knowledge of The Prophet ﷺ and his life, and discovering the events that coincided with certain verses being revealed are all incredibly beneficial tools to widen one’s way of thinking, grow one’s eemaan and soulfully comprehend the precious verses of the Qurān.


May Allāh make the gaining and retaining of beneficial knowledge easy and may He reward the sincere efforts. Aameen.

Maintaining closeness to Allah(swt) through Tahajjud

Over a month after Ramadan has ended, isn’t it time we ask ourselves- how much of it are we still carrying with us? How hard are we trying to keep the Ramadan spirit alive, like the sahabah did throughout the year? For sure, the special ease that comes from the barakah of that month may not be here anymore, but is it not the same ‘us’ and the same Rabb? The same ‘us’ who proved to ourselves that yes, we CAN read Quran every day, AND fast, AND pray Tarawih/Qiyam al Layl! And isn’t our Creator still and always the Ever-Merciful, the Ever-Hearing, regardless of season or month?

Allah’s Messenger (ﷺ) said, “Our Lord, the Blessed, the Superior, comes every night down on the nearest Heaven to us when the last third of the night remains, saying: “Is there anyone to invoke Me, so that I may respond to invocation? Is there anyone to ask Me, so that I may grant him his request? Is there anyone seeking My forgiveness, so that I may forgive him?” (Sahih al-Bukhari 1145)

One way we can carry forward a part of Ramadan with us, is to pray Tahajjud, or the night prayer regularly. It is a time when we will again find our Lord just as near and giving. Tahajjud spiritually energizes, relaxes and heals us, often even replacing the need for the lost sleep. It sets the stage for a beautiful and productive day- both in matters of the Dunya and Deen.

Here are some tips to wake up for Tahajjud and enjoy spiritual rejuvenation and a cherished closeness with Allah(swt):

  • Nap in the day

  • Keep yourself in check during the day- a righteous day leads to a righteous night

  • Eat less in the evening

  • Set up your prayer clothes/place/Mushaf/dua books at night before going to sleep

  • Make Dua for Allah to enable you to wake up & experience Tahajjud

  • Sleep early after Isha

  • Cleanse your heart- a heart full of bitterness, grudges or malice is a heavy heart to wake up with

  • Stay patient. Give your body time to develop this new keystone habit. Don’t get discouraged when you miss it

  • Try & try until you succeed!

How to deal with Halloween..

(By Sameen Fahmi)


It is quite interesting to know that Muslims are not the only ones who refrain from participating in the celebration of the evil called Halloween. Many Mormons, Hindus, Orthodox Jews, those from the Jehovah’s Witnesses, and certain Evangelical groups reject Halloween as well, as they all believe in its factual history- that it is indeed a Pagan holiday, which is associated with devil worship and teaches mischief rather than morals. In fact, Halloween is one occasion which clearly defies common sense and even feels disturbing to the heart, that is- if one’s heart still knows the difference between darkness and light.

As a Muslim what can I do on Halloween instead?

  1. First and foremost, educate yourself and others about the reality of Halloween.
  2. Refrain from believing in any of the superstitions of Halloween.
  3. Refrain from supporting the customs of Halloween financially by not purchasing costumes, decorations and Halloween candies. In a world stricken with poverty and malnutrition, billions of dollars are spent every year on costumes, decorations and candy; and millions of pumpkins are wasted which Allah swt created for nutritional consumption. 
  4. Refrain from participating in any of the rituals of Halloween, including trick-or-treating, Halloween parties, etc.
  5. This includes handing out treats to other children as well; instead, keep the porch lights off and do not open the door.
  6. Although to avoid people ringing the bell it is better to have porch lights off, one could put a box/holder with copies of ‘The Reality of Halloween’ handout at/near the front door. This could even be an opportunity for dawah and copies about Introduction to Islam could aslo be placed for free distribution.
  7. Many Islamic community centers and mosques often arrange family nights on Halloween, with fun events and goody bags to give kids an alternative to going out for trick or treat. Many families also host their own get-togethers amongst family and friends so the kids don’t feel left out knowing their school and neighborhood friends are out celebrating. If our kids do feel that way though, maybe we need to re-attempt at explaining the evils of this holiday.
  8. Perhaps the easiest thing to do is to do nothing! Why not just take 31st of October as any other day or evening, and go about this day doing our routine and usual tasks or activities. It is not necessary to create another tradition to dissolve an old one. If we don’t believe in something, it shouldn’t be an issue to simply ignore it. Also, staying indoors has its benefit of avoiding the nasty exposure to the unsightly scenes and costumes; and more importantly, the accidents and mishaps that happen on this night.

Halloween- When Danger Lurks..

(By Sameen Fahmi)

The literal meaning of the word occult, which goes hand in hand with Halloween, is “secret.” The danger of Halloween is not in the scary things that we see, but in the secret and wicked activities that go on behind the scenes.

Halloween is scary for many reasons, and no- the dark and evil aura created is not one of them! There are actual dangers associated with this night that hurt and harm thousands of people every year, especially innocent children. 

‘Children are twice as likely to die on Halloween than any other day of the year as they trick-or-treat along our streets. That’s according to a 2012 State Farm analysis of more than 4 million fatalities between 1990 and 2010.’ (


Here are 19 dangers we should beware of:


  1. Calories/Sugar: Other than the obvious overload of empty calories from candies, leading to multiple medical issues, overeating harmful amounts of sugar is also a major danger to kids’ health. It is linked with higher risk of insulin resistance and diabetes, and also negatively affects mood and  hyperactivity levels.
  2. Allergies: It is common for kids with food allergies to get sick from candy containing one of the allergens that either they missed on the label, or were secretly present.
  3. Poisoned candy:  Unhealthy consumption and allergies are not the only dangers associated with Halloween candies. Though rare, candy tampering is some people’s idea of a trick. Sewing needles, heroin and other drugs inserted into unwrapped chocolates have been found in Halloween treats for many years now.
  4. Hazardous costumes: Face coverings and masks often obstruct the field of vision, and a long costume poses a tripping hazard, both for its wearer and for others nearby. Riding a bike, skateboard or skate on top of that may even prove to be deadly. Also, dark costumes are less visible to the drivers around, especially at night. Costumes may also become choking hazards when the cape around the neck is pulled from the back.
  5. Road Accidents: Halloween, unfortunately, is another holiday that often results in devastating accidents due to distraction(looking around at decorations and costumes) or drunk driving, or simply due to lack of visibility.
  6. Alcohol: Usually owing it to Halloween parties, irresponsible drinking plays a significant role in certain risks that Halloween poses; either in the shape of inappropriate or dangerous behaviors, or drunk driving.
  7. Fire hazards: People often use sandbag candles and fiery jack-o’-lanterns to decorate their homes and walkways, which in turn often becomes a cause for fires and burn injuries.
  8. Dangerous props: Just like sticks, pointed props such as swords, spears and wands can poke out the eyes of excited children (or adults) gathered close by.
  9. Skin reactions: Adverse reactions to chemicals present inside face paint often cause more pain than excitement! Even the liquid inside glow sticks is dangerous- children who swallow it or accidentally splash it on their faces may even need immediate medical treatment.
  10. Eye injuries: Cheap costume contacts contain chlorine, iron and other harmful chemicals and colorants used to create tints and patterns on the surface of the lens, and uneven, scratchy surfaces that might not be visible could scratch the cornea. Germs could then enter and infect the eye, creating scarring that can damage vision and cause blindness.
  11. Dental trouble: Chewy candies contribute to cavities as they stick to the teeth, but they may also pull out fillings and crowns, and are a nightmare for braces. On the opposite end, hard candies lasting longer in the mouth, contribute to tooth decay, and can even chip teeth if bit into carelessly, or damage brackets and other dental apparatus that hold braces together.
  12. Harmful inhalations: Chemical aerosols used to create costumes and props are highly flammable and can cause severe headaches and breathing issues. They  are also detrimental for the environment due to the compressed gases and/or hydrocarbons they contain, and contribute to global warming.
  13. Knife Injuries: Almost half of Halloween related injuries reported are caused during pumpkin carving. 
  14. Falls: Falling off a ladder or other heights while decorating, ties for second most common injury during Halloween.
  15. Danger for pets too! Halloween candy can be deadly for dogs or cats. Candies are unhealthy altogether, but anything that’s sugar-free, or contains raisins or chocolate can quickly cause seizures, or even organ failure in some animals.
  16. Vandalism: Property crimes and vandalism are at their peak on Halloween night, owing to mostly teen pranks. 
  17. Mental Trauma or Heart Ailments: Severely traumatic events can affect people psychologically and even physically. Sometimes innocent children are traumatized for life after seeing certain intolerable horror scenes, and suffer mental health issues even later in life as adults. Also, extreme fear may negatively impact vulnerable patients, like those who have heart disease; and sudden episodes may also lead to serious heart problems or even instant heart failure.
  18. Kidnapping: One of the most disturbing dangers of Halloween night is perhaps the unthinkable- the actual abduction of a child, often done as a prank; or even worse- the abduction of a child to be offered as a sacrifice by hidden satanic cults who still practice these evil beliefs.
  19. When the horror becomes real: There have been tragic incidents where psychotic individuals and even impressionable youth have gotten inspired by the horror movies and the dark aura that is created around Halloween season, to the point that they have practically taken on those evil roles themselves. Many famous horror movies have actually been proven in court multiple times to be the inspiration behind several heinous crimes and murders.