Qur’anic Guidance is our unique monthly Tafsir class that primarily caters towards our Deaf Muslim Community. The class is conducted in American Sign Language to convey the words of Allah (SWT) to important members of our community.
How often is the class conducted?
The class is being offered on a monthly basis.
Where can I attend the class?
We have now resumed our in-person classes Alhamdulillah! They take place on the third Sunday of every month, from 3:00 pm – 5:00pm.
Sign up here to attend the class: https://www.alhudainstitute.ca/project/qgfeb2025/
Stay up to date about upcoming events & sessions!
For more information about the class, refer to the FAQ section below.
Any further questions can be directed to serving.humanity@alhudainstitute.ca.
Do I have to be a deaf person to attend these sessions?
Our classes are primarily catered towards Muslims who are deaf or hard of hearing but we often get students who are interested in learning ASL or learning more about the Qur’an. You’re welcome to attend/sign up in either case, in sha Allah.
How can I access past recordings?
You can view past class recordings here.