✨Light of the Qur’an for Men – Day change✅


Light of the Qur’an
Free Online Program Especially for Men, Coached by Br Zubair!

A Journey to Reflect, Discuss, and Implement Islamic Teachings to Become Strong Believers

Every Wednesday
7:00 – 8:00pm (Toronto Time)

Join us tomorrow & every Wednesday to taste the sweetness of faith!

️Explore the Divine Truth- Register Today:

Get the Zoom link to attend the class upon registration! 

Who can You think of to share and invite tonight?!
Perhaps someone you care about who has been longing to learn, or has been searching for the Truth…

Allah (SWT) says in the Qur’an:⁠
يَهْدِي اللَّهُ لِنُورِهِ مَن يَشَاءُ ⁠
“Allah guides to His light whom He wills.” [24:35]

This Program is suitable for non-Muslims and new Muslims, as well as for all those who are in search of the Light of the Qur’an; and also for those who haven’t had a chance to learn Islam as a way of life, nor understand the Qur’an, and consider themselves as beginner Muslims.

In this enlightening course:
Learn basic pronunciation and recitation of the Qur’an.
Comprehend the verses to Connect with your Creator at a closer level.

Qur’an is the unchanged Word of Allah(SWT), Who is The Source of Light. It was sent to guide us on every step of our lives, towards true success and tranquility.

Contact Email: coachzubair@gmail.com


✨Journey to Allah✨ Starting Soon!

Al Huda Institute & Discoveru Present a great Summer Program for Women!

Journey to Allah✨

Through Sweetness of Worship

Taught Live by Spiritual Coach, Sr Razia Hamidi 

Learn how to Connect with Allah like never before- Save Your Seat Today!


Bring life into your worship through 10 Principles from Imam Ghazali’s Masterpieces:

▪️What it means to be vigilant of your Prayer(Salah).

▫️How to acquire lasting wealth that brings endless blessings(Charity).

▪️How to gain victory over Allah’s enemy (Fasting).

▫️How the minor journey prepares us for the greater journey in life(Hajj).

▪️The act of Worship that will be your best intercessor on the Day of Judgment(Qur’an).

▫️How to be Successful in Dunya & Aakhirah(Dhikr).

▪️How external things can affect our internal state(Seeking the Lawful).

▫️One of the Pillars of Religion we overlook (Upholding rights & good companionship).

▪️How to build a real support system (Commanding good & forbidding evil).

▫️How to hold onto & connect with the Key to Happiness daily(The Sunnah).

✨Taleem al Qur’an English- Flex Course on eCampus!✨

Al Huda eCampus is pleased to present

✨Taleem al Qur’an English- Flex Course✨

“Has the time not yet come for believers’ hearts to be humbled at the remembrance of Allah, and what has been revealed of the truth?!”(Al-Hadid:16)

Transform your life– Study the Qur’an at your own pace & availability via easy global online access!

Course Content:
☆ Learn to Recite the Qur’an with rules of Tajweed
★Comprehend each Ayah directly in Arabic through word to word translation
☆ Deeply Understand the Tafsir (explanation) of the entire Qur’an

Countless blessings:
★ Perform Ibadah in its true spirit through authentic knowledge
☆ Strengthen your bond & love for Allah, and beautify your relationship with your family & with other people in your life
★ Acquire essential life skills through timeless lessons in each Surah
☆ Get nurtured through Tarbiyah & learn effective time, anger & stress management
★ Effectively apply the teachings of the Qur’an to please Allah swt
☆ Find the motivation to serve humanity

“This is a blessed Book We have revealed. So follow it and be mindful ˹of Allah˺, so you may be shown mercy.” (6:155)

Why Delay Now?!
Start Your Journey & Connect with the Book of Allah- Register Today‼️


Strengthen Your Faith in ‘Islami Aqaid’, Live with Ustazah! Starting next Tuesday!✒️✨

A Heartfelt Study of the Understanding of Islamic Theology, in Urdu

Taught Live by Dr Farhat Hashmi!

 “The Messenger ˹firmly˺ believes in what has been revealed to him from his Lord, and so do the believers.”
(Qur’an 2:285)

Strengthen your certainty & conviction in Deen, and eliminate doubts!
✨ Improve your Worship of Allah swt through strong affirmation & a sound heart!

 Come Study with us ISLAMIC AQEEDAH,  the explanation of the importance & core elements of the Islamic Creed- the foundational beliefs & principles in Islam which guide our actions & mannerisms.

Starting coming Tuesday- May 7th, 2024!
•Tuesday-Thursday | 12:30pm-1:30pm
•Onsite at Al Huda Institute Canada
•Also Online via Zoom
•Short Course in Urdu, for Women

 Register Today!
Have Questions?
✉️ info@alhudainstitute.ca

Islamic Wills & Inheritance Seminar This Saturday at the Institute!

“These ˹entitlements˺ are the limits set by Allah. Whoever obeys Allah and His Messenger will be admitted into Gardens under which rivers flow, to stay there forever. That is the ultimate triumph!” (Qur’an 4:13)

➡️Learn the Fiqh and Legal Aspects of Wills & Inheritance in Islam

With Shaykh Abdalla Idris Ali!

Saturday, April 20th, 2024

Kindly Register for the Event:


At Al Huda Institute Masjid
5671 McAdam Rd. Mississauga,
ON L4Z 1N9, Canada

“˹This is˺ an obligation from Allah. Surely Allah is All-Knowing, All-Wise.” (Qur’an 4:11)


✨Taleem al Hadith starting this April!

Indeed, in the Messengerﷺ of Allah you have an excellent example for whoever has hope in Allah and the Last Day, and remembers Allah often.(Qur’an, 33:21)

✨لَقَدْ كَانَ لَكُمْ فِي رَسُولِ اللّٰهِ اُسْوَةٌ حَسَنَةٌ✨

Al Huda Institute Canada presents
Taleem Al Hadith!
~A Part-time, Online-Only Certificate course in Urdu
⚡Starting April 23rd, 2024 in sha Allah

✒️Study the Rich Prophetic Tradition as taught & inspired to our beloved Rasoolﷺ by Allah Himself.

Revive your eemaan & beautify your amal!
•Explore the beautiful role model of our beloved Messenger ﷺ
•Read the original text of Sahih Al Bukhari
•Derive lessons from Ahadith and connect them with your own lives

Subjects include:
▫️Quran Review
▪️Sahih Al Bukhari:
Kitab al Manaqib – Kitab al Maghazi,
taught by Ustazah Dr Farhat Hashmi via recordings.

→Register Now:

For Sisters of all ages
From April 23rd, 2024 to January 2025
️Tuesdays & Wednesdays Only
9:30 am – 12:00 pm Toronto Time
Offered Online Only via Zoom

Have further questions? Email us at urduhadithcourse@alhudainstitute.ca
