Guided Hearts

Messenger of Allah (ï·º) said:
“You will not enter Paradise until you have faith, and you will not have faith until you love each other. Shall I direct you to something which if you fulfill you will love one another? Spread peace among yourselves.”
Al Huda Institute’s Guided Hearts program aims to serve New Muslims and Reverts. We currently host bi-weekly gatherings for sisters to help connect them through our networking and spiritual reflection sessions.
Whether you recently started your spiritual journey or reverted a while ago, we invite you to join us! Our sessions will be held every other Saturday online from 2:00 pm – 2:45 pm. Dates of our upcoming sessions are:
- January 23rd – Du’aa (Supplication): Your Connection with your Creator
- February 6th – Du’aa (Supplication): Your Connection with your Creator (continued)
- February 20th –Facing Trials with Patience and Gratitude
- March 6th – Welcoming the Month of Ramadan
To sign up for our upcoming sessions and to receive updates about our future initiatives, please fill out the form below:

Any further questions can be directed to
Do I have to be a revert to attend these sessions?
The program is open to all Muslims. Whether you’ve recently started your journey towards the Islamic faith or you’ve been a Muslim for a long time, you’re welcome to attend our sessions.
How can I join your sessions?
Our sessions are conducted online via zoom. If you’re a first time attendee, please fill out the form online, and you’ll be added to our mailing list. All new and existing members are sent an invitation before each session along with a zoom link and instructions on how to join.
Are your sessions recorded?
Currently our sessions are not recorded. We encourage you to attend them live.