5th Annual Winter Coat Drive

Imagine experiencing the harsh winter without any protection. For some families, buying winter wear can be extremely tough and unaffordable. Every one of us deserves to have a warm coat for the winter.
Serving Humanity is partnering with IDRF for “Spread the Warmth”, our 5th Annual Coat Drive. We are collecting brand new coats and winter accessories such as gloves, mittens, scarves and hats. These items will be delivered to people in need in the community.
Head to the department store to help provide someone the gift of warmth! You can also donate online at www.idrf.com/alhuda and we will purchase coats on your behalf.
“Never will you attain the righteousness until you spend [in the way of Allah] from that which you love. And whatever you spend – indeed, Allah is Knowing of it. [Surah Aali Imran, Ayah 92]
Together, let’s help keep our neighbours warm this winter.
All coats and accessories can be dropped off at reception or placed on the black table in the cafeteria at Al Huda Institute, 5671 McAdam Road, Mississauga.
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